
Camping with Bean Trailer Outside of Bryce Canyon National Park

When you wander into a foreign place, the first-time experience is always the most memorable. The sights, the sounds, and the smells are all new, exciting, and curiously entertaining. As a first-time Bean trailer camper, the eager temptation to hit the road and experience something new was calling. To close out the year, my fellow […]

Escape the Weather with a Bean Trailer

Don’t get me wrong, I love Utah! I am constantly amazed when my friends show me pictures of places I’ve never been before. I am convinced that I could go somewhere interesting every weekend for the rest of my life and never experience all the cool stuff my state has to offer. Just this morning […]

Be Happier with a Meaner Bean

As an avid adventure enthusiast, I’m always ready to experience travel in new ways. In my particular experience, I started road tripping by sleeping in an old beat up Honda Accord, then I went on to build a travel van, and now I’ve been blessed to enter into the world of the #teardrop #life. All […]