Introducing the Bean Boat

Are you tired of having a boat and a trailer? Have you ever wished you could transfer the amenities of your trailer to your boat? Now you can with the introduction of the Bean Boat. Mark Harling, founder and President of Bean Trailer is an avid boater and has had a 25ft cabin cruiser since […]

Bean Trailer: Adapting to Thrive in a Changing Market

The RV industry, like any ecosystem, is subject to constant shifts and evolving demands. Those who adapt fastest survive and thrive, while those who cling to outdated methods risk fading away. We’ve all heard the familiar phrase ‘survival of the fittest.’ But what Darwin truly meant wasn’t just about being the biggest or strongest. It […]

How to Thrive Camping with Grandkids

Bean Trailer at a campground with kids sitting outside

“I don’t feel good, I need to poo. I need water. Can we download Minions? I get car sick. Are we getting close? I am bored!” That was all in the first hour of a five-hour trip with our grandkids to Escalante, Utah and I was scared! Don’t get me wrong, I love my grandkids, […]

I’ve (Bean) Everywhere Man, I’ve (Bean) Everywhere, man….

Cindy, and I just finished a whirlwind trip that stretched from the red rocks of Moab to the Tahoe National Forest, the breath-taking ocean cliffs of Highway 1 and the warm sandy beaches of Southern Cal. Some of those experiences were things we have done many times before and some were terrifyingly new. All of […]

Own Your Weekend with a Bean Teardrop Trailer

Have you ever been excited to start the weekend only to stumble for an answer on Monday to the question, “what did you do?” What did I do? What DID I do? “Nothing, really.” That’s the way I occasionally answered that question before I got a Bean trailer. Now I can say, “I owned my […]

Escape the Weather with a Bean Trailer

Don’t get me wrong, I love Utah! I am constantly amazed when my friends show me pictures of places I’ve never been before. I am convinced that I could go somewhere interesting every weekend for the rest of my life and never experience all the cool stuff my state has to offer. Just this morning […]