How to Winterize Your Bean Trailer?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And here in the mountain west, we know Utah’s winters are an adventurer’s delight, attracting people from all around the globe to experience our extensive list of natural wonders and recreational activities. It’s true. We do, in fact, have the ‘best snow on Earth’. And if this is […]

Is the RV Industry in Trouble? Bean Trailer Will NEVER Compromise on Quality!

The teardrop trailer community asked and we listened, introducing Bean Stock 2.0: the epitome of durability, refinement, and value in the RV industry. In response to challenges like economic uncertainty and supply chain disruptions. Bean Trailer presents a new model to our lineup and a game-changing solution designed to exceed your expectations without breaking the […]

What RV is Right For You? Nebraska Girl Camper Frances Anderson Choses a Black Bean by Bean Trailer

Why did you buy this particular RV?  First, having already been Bean owners (we previously owned a 2021 Mean Bean), my husband and I had already experienced Bean’s customer service and personal one-on-one care. We could never imagine deviating from their brand. As our family grew and Bean Trailer released the Black Bean, the outdoor kitchen features offered in this model were well beyond what we’d seen […]

Elon Musk is Moving into a Teardrop Trailer


Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, is rumored to be moving into a simple teardrop trailer, Black Bean by Bean Trailer. This continues his trend of simplification and divesting himself of homes and personal assets that detract from his primary businesses, Tesla and SpaceX. Mr. Musk’s primary residence has been a 375 ft […]

Try Our One Pot Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta!

Welcome back to Cooking with Bean Trailer where we’ll show you some of our favorite recipes you can whip up in Bean’s galley while camping! Today we bring you One Pot Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta prepared by Alison Krull. Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 20 mins Total Time: 30 mins Makes: 4 servings Ingredients: […]