Live Big & Travel Tiny with a Teardrop Camper

The Ease of Movement Traveling can be a fickle business. And although planning for an outdoor adventure is an obvious aspect of being ready for whatever may come, sometimes we put too much emphasis on what to pack and how much room we’ll have to pack. The first time people set their eyes on a […]

Top 10 Reasons to Join the Teardrop Trailer Movement

We’re almost two decades into the 21st century and progressing into the information age. We have the answers to just about any nagging question in our pockets, and it’s time to get serious about balancing the world of technology and our connection to the earth. Undeniably, when it comes to purchasing new, unfamiliar, or comparative […]

Own Your Weekend with a Bean Teardrop Trailer

Have you ever been excited to start the weekend only to stumble for an answer on Monday to the question, “what did you do?” What did I do? What DID I do? “Nothing, really.” That’s the way I occasionally answered that question before I got a Bean trailer. Now I can say, “I owned my […]

Unboxing the Black Bean at Overland Expo West

Armored vehicles, wheels big enough to crush houses, dirt roads and big engines. Is it the end of the world? No, it’s just the Overland Expo and this is the normal way of life for these counter-societal vagabonds. We’ve all heard about, dreamed of or maybe even currently working up the courage to join the […]

Be Happier with a Meaner Bean

As an avid adventure enthusiast, I’m always ready to experience travel in new ways. In my particular experience, I started road tripping by sleeping in an old beat up Honda Accord, then I went on to build a travel van, and now I’ve been blessed to enter into the world of the #teardrop #life. All […]